
Grow your business with easy access to high-value, global B2B data through our all-in-one market intelligence platform.

One platform, billions of data points

Access world-class contact, profile and company data from a single source.


Automate prospecting

Access 1B+ global professional and company profiles through a single streamlined interface.


Enrich customer data 

Uplevel your lead scoring and customer segmentation efforts with our easy-to-use technology. 

Data teams + Providers

Build contextual features

Unlock new opportunities for feature development by integrating with our precise, reliable, global B2B data.

HR & Workforce

Nurture your talent pool

Analyze labor markets, build customized benchmarks, and identify the most compelling candidates for open positions.

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neuron 360 profile dashboard

Meet Neuron360™

Neuron360 is a best-in-class market intelligence platform that empowers teams with on-demand access to 1 bn+ company and professional profiles.


Our b2b data offers market-leading precision, accessibility, and reliability through Neuron360, so your team can focus less on validating information and more on driving results.


Our Global Database:

  • 200+ countries
  • 46+ languages
  • 300m+ job titles
  • 800m+ professional contacts

Why Neuron360™?

Our market intelligence platform saves teams time 
while offering maximum flexibility. 

Globally comprehensive

Our databases include billions of professional and company profiles around the world, so you can find exactly who you’re looking for.


Contacts and company profiles can be filtered, sorted, and customized to suit your needs–whether you access our data through our interface or API.

Legally compliant

We adhere to the strictest global privacy standards available, so you can use our data with the utmost confidence.

Our Process

Access high-quality contact and professional profiles –
on your terms.


  1. Choose your access point:
    • Teams building new applications or layering data 
into their existing tech stack can access data through our API or via Snowflake. 
    • Teams who prefer to use our standalone platform can access data through our proprietary Neuron360 interface.
  2. Let our customer success team tailor Neuron360 to suit your team’s specific needs.
  3. Start using data to enhance your products, services, and processes.
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Ethically sourced, fully compliant data

Our licensed, mined, and modeled datasets are thoroughly researched and vetted to offer precision at scale–without sacrificing security and reliability.


We adhere to the strictest global privacy standards available, so you can integrate and access b2b data worry-free.

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neuron 360 profile ccpa