Rhetorik launches NetFinder+ | Michael R Levy from GZConsulting puts its importance into context

Boston, USA-based marketing and competitive research consultant, Michael Levy, is an expert business intelligence products and solutions commentator, providing advice for vendors & purchasers of sales intelligence, sales engagement, and B2B DaaS products.

He joined Rhetorik’s CEO, Meredith Amdur, to learn more about the newly-launched NetFinder+, now covering 18 countries across Europe and the Middle East.

Michael summarises the NetFinder+ offering in his latest GZConsulting blog post, and puts its importance into the context of the wider market.

Given the challenges of data privacy and data protection compliance, CEO Meredith Amdur emphasizes the value of having a local, specialist vendor that understands the nuances of European regulations and markets.  “One of the challenges for these vendors is that the country called ‘Europe’ doesn’t exist.  They need a partner like Rhetorik that understands the complexities of Europe, market by market, and language by language, to help them navigate and exploit a region with enormous growth potential.  And they need a service like NetFinder+ that provides current, accurate, and compliant data related to individual IT buyers and influencers across the region to target better prospects, expand into new markets, fill the marketing funnel, and capture the attention of their next best customers.”

Read the full post from Michael Levy here.

Also check out the NetFinder+ launch announcement from Rhetorik and learn more about NetFinder+ here.

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