
     Your B2B data glossary

All the terms you need to know when transforming your workflow with market intelligence.

B2B data

B2B data is information about companies, organizations, and professionals.

It includes, but is not limited to, information about individuals’ work experiences and companies’ relevant industry and contact information.


Unlike B2C data, B2B data does not include an individual’s browsing or purchase behavior.


Examples: Firmographic data, technographic data, profiles, contacts


Learn more about our data sets.

Data enrichment

Data enrichment is the process of supplementing existing data sets with additional information.


Enriching data improves the completeness of a dataset, and can ensure that its contents are more up-to-date and relevant.


Examples: Company name, address, phone number, number of employees, annual revenue, industry.


Learn more about our data enrichment APIs.

Firmographic data

Firmographic data is information about a company or organization.

These data points are typically collected from company websites, public records, and business directories.

Examples: Company name, address, phone number, number of employees, annual revenue, industry.

Learn more about our firmographic data.

Technographic data

Technographic data is information about the technologies and tools used by companies or organizations.


These data points are typically collected from public records and employee profiles.


Examples: Number of tech products detected, product classification, date when new technologies were adopted, firewall status.


Learn more about our technographic data.


Data standardization

Data standardization is the process of transforming diverse data into a common format.

Standardizing data improves its quality, and makes it easier for data to be retrieved, analyzed, and integrated into other systems.

Examples: Our AI models ensure that English job titles like “CEO” can be analyzed alongside French job titles like “Président-directeur Général”

Learn more about our standardization processes.

Data normalization

Data normalization is the process of applying a common scale to numeric data.

Normalized data is essential for statistical analysis.

Examples: Our AI models analyze data to create proprietary scores, like ‘popularity score’, to determine the relative popularity of a particular technology that a company uses on a scale from 0-5.

Learn more about our normalization processes.

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Interested in learning more about how our B2B data can transform your business? Our team is here to help.