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B2B Leads for
the AI Generation

Skills-based targeting gets you the right person, at the right account, with the right experience to be receptive to your offer.

It is a genuinely ground-breaking and transformative approach to B2B lead generation for sales and marketing teams that goes well beyond what can be achieved using job titles and account-level intent alone.

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we have a database of 800M professional profiles


with a 360-degree profile
of a person’s skills


which can deliver 1000’s of high propensity B2B leads

Skills-based targeting at global scale

The LeadNeuron skills-based targeting model goes beyond traditional ABM and account intent signals

Our customized AI solution based on Rhetorik’s proprietary “Skill Stack” surfaces new B2B leads and accounts tuned specifically for your product from a 360-degree profile of a person’s skills, professional experiences and responsibilities.

Simply input a few key words, accounts or job titles and LeadNeuron can quadruple the size of your audience and potential accounts.

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Key benefits

Drive your business growth

With contact-level propensity to buy signals, going beyond traditional job title search, technographic and account intent.

Exceed your revenue targets

Uncover previously hidden leads that your current B2B data providers can’t find based on job title alone.

Sell more, search less

Faster and “smarter” than manual searching – 1000’s of high propensity B2B leads in seconds!

Find more high propensity buyers

Skills-based, contact-level propensity to buy amplifies and improves account-level intent signals, delivering higher volume, more precise accounts and more and better contacts at the companies you’re targeting.


How it Works

Skill-based targeting

model inputs

We analyze your desired target audience and input the list of accounts and/or job titles into the model.

Data processing

The AI model processes the keywords and job titles, and identifies the high-propensity signals – marking the accounts and leads as positive matches for your company.


The AI model gives you detailed and precise information of the high-propensity leads it marked in Step 2. Prioritizing those with relevant experience in your tech category and the likelihood for conversion.


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Sam Johnson CEO

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Sam Smith CEO

Surgical targeting
vs. Generic blitzing

LeadNeuron is your gateway to game change you B2B lead and demand generation strategies.

Skills-based targeting model identifies in a minute thousands of high propensity B2B leads with the right professional DNA to grasp your sales pitch and product offering.

contact rhetorik

Supercharge your business with our AI-driven B2B audience builder

No other B2B data provider in the industry can match LeadNeuron’s skills-based, contact-level propensity to buy. Get your ideal buyer audience, defined, scored and sourced from hundreds of millions of profiles. More leads, and better leads, make everyone a rainmaker.