B2B Data Glossary & FAQs

Firmographic data:

Firmographic data is information about a company or organization, including its industry, size, location, and revenue. It is useful in business and marketing for understanding the target audience or potential customers. It can be collected from various sources, such as company websites, business directories, and public records. Examples of firmographic data include the company's name, address, phone number, number of employees, headquarters location, annual revenue, and industry.

Firmographic data is important for B2B businesses as it helps them understand potential customers' needs and characteristics. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify good fit customers and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly. Firmographic data also helps in understanding a company's market position and identifying potential partners or competitors.

  • Targeted marketing: Identify potential customers that are a good fit for products/services and tailor marketing efforts to meet their needs.
  • Improved customer acquisition: Understand the needs and characteristics of potential customers to create more effective marketing campaigns resulting in customer acquisition.
  • Increased efficiency: Save time and resources by focusing on potential customers that are most likely to be interested in products/services.
  • Enhanced market intelligence: Gain insights into competitors, the market, and potential partners or customers.
  • Increased sales: Target marketing efforts more effectively to potentially increase sales and revenue.

Technographic data:

Technographic data is information about the technologies and tools used by companies or organizations. It can be collected from various sources like public records and employee profiles. It is useful for businesses that sell technology products or services as it helps them understand the needs and preferences of their potential customers. By analyzing technographic data, businesses can identify companies that are using technologies compatible with their products or services, and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly. Technographic data is also helpful for businesses looking to expand into new markets or identify potential partners or customers.

Technographic data can offer several benefits to businesses in B2B sales and marketing, including:


  • Targeted marketing: Businesses can create more effective marketing campaigns by understanding the technologies used by potential customers.
  • Improved customer acquisition: Analyzing technographic data can help identify potential customers that are a good fit for products or services, increasing customer acquisition rates.
  • Enhanced market intelligence: Analyzing technographic data provides insights into industry technologies, helping businesses make informed decisions and stay competitive.
  • Increased efficiency: Focusing on potential customers that fit their products or services, using technographic data can save time and resources.
  • Increased sales: By targeting marketing efforts more effectively with technographic data, businesses can potentially increase their sales and revenue.

Job title translation, normalization and standardization

Job title translation is the process of changing data from one language or format to another. This is usually needed when a company wants to use data from another country or merge data from different sources that use different formats or languages.


For example, job title translation can convert data from English to Spanish or French. It can also change data from a spreadsheet to a database or from a text file to a CSV file. This process can be complex because it involves not only translating the data, but also making sure it remains accurate and consistent.


To ensure accuracy, businesses might use tools or services that can identify and correct errors or fill in missing data. Overall, job title translation is an essential process for businesses that need to use data from different sources and regions. It can help them make informed decisions about their operations and marketing efforts.

B2B data translation offers various advantages, including:


  • Improved global reach: Translating data into different languages makes products and services more accessible to customers in different regions or countries.
  • Enhanced data quality: Accurate and consistent data translation can improve overall data quality.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Providing data in a familiar language improves customer satisfaction and engagement.
  • Enhanced market intelligence: Translating data from different regions provides a better understanding of global markets and identifies potential opportunities for growth.
  • Increased efficiency: Automated data translation tools save time and resources, identifying and correcting errors, or filling in missing data.
  • Increased total addressable market: Translation expands the market for B2B marketing leads and contacts and for talent acquisition teams.

B2B data normalization is the process of organizing and standardizing data in a way that makes it more consistent and easier to analyze. This typically involves identifying and correcting errors in the data, filling in missing values, and standardizing data formats and structures.


Job title normalization, in its simplest definition, refers to the process of data cleansing: cleaning up data and removing the noise and mistakes to ensure format consistency. For example, it’s very common for databases, especially those in CRM systems, to contain records that have different data formats. Let’s look at titles, for example. One record may say “Sr. Engineer”, while others may contain alternative titles – such as “Sr Engineer” (no period), “Senior Engineer”, or “Senoir Engineer” (typo intended). Normalizing the data cleans this up for future processing – such as using “Senior Engineer” consistently in the examples above.


B2B data normalization is important because it helps ensure that data is accurate and consistent, which is essential for making informed business decisions. Normalizing data can also help businesses more easily combine and analyze data from different sources, as it ensures that the data is in a uniform format.


There are several approaches to B2B data normalization, including:


  • Data cleansing: This involves identifying and correcting errors in the data, such as typos, duplicates, and outdated information.
  • Data enrichment: This involves adding missing values or supplementing existing data with additional information.
  • Data transformation: This involves converting data from one format or structure to another, such as converting data from a spreadsheet to a database or from a text file to a CSV file.

B2B data normalization is the process of organizing and standardizing data in a way that makes it more consistent and easier to analyze. This involves identifying and correcting errors, filling in missing values, and standardizing data formats and structures. Job title normalization is an example of data cleansing, which ensures format consistency by cleaning up data and removing mistakes such as typos and alternate titles.


Normalizing data is crucial to making informed business decisions and combining and analyzing data from different sources. Approaches to B2B data normalization include data cleansing, data enrichment, and data transformation. Normalizing data helps businesses ensure accuracy and consistency, and makes it easier to analyze and use data to make informed decisions.

B2B data standardization is the process of ensuring data consistency and accuracy in the database records. This involves matching data signals such as roles, responsibilities, and experience to create a uniform format of data.

Standardizing B2B data has several benefits:


  • Improved data quality: Establishing clear standards for data entry and formatting reduces the risk of errors and improves overall data quality.
  • Enhanced data interoperability: Standardized data is easier to integrate and share with other systems and organizations.
  • Increased efficiency: Standardizing data makes it easier and faster to search, retrieve, and analyze data, as you know where to find the information you need.
  • Enhanced decision-making: Consistent, reliable data helps you make more informed and accurate business decisions.

B2B data standardization involves matching data signals within the database records, such as job titles, responsibilities, and experience, to create a uniform format of data. Standardizing data makes it easier to integrate and share with other systems and organizations.

B2B data analytics:

B2B data analytics is the process of using data to generate insights and inform business decisions in a B2B context. This can involve collecting and analyzing data from a variety of sources, such as customer interactions, sales data, market trends, and financial data, to gain a better understanding of a business's operations and performance.

  • Customer segmentation: Analyzing customer data can help businesses better understand their target audience and create targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Sales and marketing: B2B data analytics can be used to identify potential sales leads, track marketing campaign effectiveness, and optimize sales processes.
  • Human resources and talent analytics: B2B data analytics can be used for workforce planning, talent planning, reporting and analytics, hiring and talent acquisitions, and training programs.
  • Financial analysis: Data can be used to track financial performance and identify areas for cost savings or increased efficiency.
  • Supply chain optimization: Analyzing data from suppliers and partners can help businesses identify bottlenecks and optimize their supply chain.
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