Sales & Marketing Operations: Increase in customer satisfaction and retention from higher data quality

The customer:  A high-profile online B2B data service offering both account and contact information with a large database covering primarily North America and EMEA.

The problem: Millions of account records and tens of millions of contact records were available to end-users. However, the validity and accuracy of records were deteriorating faster than the company could refresh the file. The result was a declining reputation for quality.  End-users appreciated the supplier’s user-friendly delivery platform and customer service, but data quality was hurting the company’s renewal sales.

The solution: The company leveraged Rhetorik’s DataCliniq offering to conduct extensive testing of the customer data quality, determining the average validity of each key data point. At the conclusion of the analysis, Rhetorik and the customer designed a DataCliniq program to revalidate and enrich key records. For example, for account records, Rhetorik’s program generated the following output fields:

  • Company Name
  • Out of Business Flag
  • URL
  • Location Country
  • Location Address
  • Location Zip Code/Post Code
  • Phone
  • Phone Landline Flag
  • Industry
  • SIC
  • Employees
  • Revenue
  • Public/Private

For contact records, DataCliniq generated:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Job Title
  • Personal LinkedIn URL
  • Phone
  • Phone Landline Flag
  • Phone Mobile
  • Email
  • Company Name
  • Contact Country
  • Contact County/State
  • Contact City
  • Company Address Line
  • Company Post Code/Zip Code
  • Company URL

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