Uncover 10x more qualifed leads with Skills-Based Targeting

Discover how a cloud-based cybersecurity provider uncovered 10x more qualifed leads with LeadNeuron™ – the AI-Driven, Skills-Based Targeting solution

The Customer

The customer is a leading cloud-base cybersecurity provider base in the US providing a cloud native platform that powers a complete Security Service Edge (SSE) to connect users, workloads, and devices without putting them on the corporate network.

The Challenge

The client wanted to reach tech personas in North America and EMEA with the level of knowledge and skills to understand the technology they sell. In addition, they wanted to increase their total addressable market. Previous suppliers had not been able to find the right contacts with the necessary level of accuracy at a reasonable cost.

The Rhetorik Solution

LeadNeuron™ – Rhetorik’s AI-driven, Skills-Based Targeting  solution provided unique access to sophisticated, customized leads through skills-based signals.

Download the Case Study to learn how the client achieved a 10x increase in qualified leads.

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