Skills Classification AI

Go beyond job titles to understand the professional skills that define your target audience. 

Understand a professional’s complete skills profile

Rhetorik’s Skills Classification model (RSC) was designed to transform how companies engage with professional profile data. By detecting, classifying, and managing a professional’s resume through our skill-based methodology, you can understand their expertise in unprecedented detail.

skills classification skill classification

 Leverage skill data to hit your goals faster

Boost productivity and alignment across your organization with skills information.

Sales & Marketing

Find target buyers based on their professional skills, refine your ideal customer profile, and create targeted marketing messages for your audience.

HR & Workforce

Locate best-fit potential hires, develop ultra-precise career progression plans, and identify opportunities for employee training based on professional skills data.

Data Teams & Providers

Anticipate market changes in technological skills, understand your target users in detail, and develop machine learning models based on professional skill information.

Deepen your understanding of your target audience

Our skills classification model uses four types of inputs and is dynamically updated to stay ahead of market trends:

Work Experiences

Job titles



skills classification tech skills

How it works

   Here’s how our model sources professional profiles based on skills:

Model inputs1. Identification

First, our AI model analyzes a group of target topics or keywords that represent the skills of your target audience. Ex. Machine learning

Signal detection + role resolution2. Analysis

Then, our model searches the work experiences, skills and certifications, and educational experiences of billions of professionals. Each data point is assigned an intensity level based on how closely it matches your topic. Ex. “AI/ML Bootcamp” Experience → High-propensity signal

Role resolution3. Result

Then, our model presents a group of profiles who represent your target audience. Ex. Jane Doe, Machine Learning Development Director

Ready to Learn More?

Learn More About Our Taxonomies & AI Models