Luc Beaudet

DEI metrics

NetFinder updates (December 2023)

Wokingham, UK and Quebec City, Canada – December 2023 We’re thrilled to share updates on some exciting new UI features and expanded coverage of NetFinder, the global B2B contacts database by Rhetorik. Improved NetFinder North America coverage: Our team has invested substantial efforts in enhancing NetFinder coverage. Now you can get even more compliant-by-design contacts […]

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NetFinder for Salesforce Overview Datasheet

NetFinder for Salesforce integration The Netfinder for Salesforce integration offers enhanced buyer prospecting and enrichment for Companies and Contacts worldwide from Salesforce app.  NetFinder provides 50M+ highest-quality leads and marketing intelligence tool that teams can use to improve their campaigns immediately. Download the NetFinder for Salesforce Datasheet

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Rhetorik Occupational Classification (ROC) Overview Datasheet

Rhetorik Occupational Classification: AI-powered taxonomy The ROC is an AI-powered job classification taxonomy developed by Rhetorik. It translates normalizes and classifies Rhetorik’s database of professional profiles and contacts profiles that comprise 300M raw job titles and 1.3 billion experiences. Uniquely. ROC enables us to normalize and classify job titles automatically from 46 different languages across

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